Gold Coast String Games

AuthorC. L. T. Griffith
SourceThe Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol.55
1Ants with Wings, or Birds in a BushMfomfõ nnomã ne kwaë nnoma272羽蟻・藪の中の鳥
IIA BatOha274Bat
IIIReeds by the Side of a RiverTáno no nnómire274タノ川沿いの葦
IVA Chief's HammockAhennam275Chief's Hammock
VAn Ant's HammockTétea apakáne275Ant's Hammock
VILeopard SkinÓkyem ákyiri átea276豹の皮
VIIThe Parrot's NestNko bon áno277おうむの巣
VIIIDouble Diamonds278
IXBirds are in the GrainNomá nomá nkodí auwí280Birds are in the Grain
XThe Snake Climbing a TreeOwo nkofóro adóbe280木に登る蛇
XIThe Wave281
XIIFour Diamonds281ガーナの 4つのダイヤモンド
XIIIAn Orchid (?)Tetéa tre282
XVThe Water TortoiseOsúdanna284ミズガメ
XVIThe Land TortoiseAkyekyedíe.284リクガメ
XVIIThe RapidsOhóroto285急流
XVIIICopper DishSánnya mútuso286銅の皿
XIXGoat's Beard, Earth, Heaven, and StarsAguánini Kómura; Asáse; Osoró and Nsóroma286ヤギのヒゲ – 地 – 天 – 星
XXThe Horned Snake and SomersaultsOnaka tiri and Pre28910回
XXIBuffalo SkinTórom nhomá293アンブラ
XXIIThe Fetish Priest or Ju-Ju ManKómfo anótsche294
XXIIIThe Breastplate the Fetish Man WearsKómfo anótshe kon mu síka tétere295ベッド
XXIVThe Skin BellowsAfá296
XXVThe Skin BellowsAfá297
XXVIA Brass PanMfámfa,297
XXVIIWeaving ClothAjyá se nwíne ntóma298
XXVIIIThe MannikinOwora dáda299
XXIXSwat that Fly300
XXXTo make a figure of eight in the middle of a loop301
XXXIAn Ornamental Knot301