Yöruba String Figures

AuthorJ. Parkinson
1Añwoña Calabash Net1324段ばしご
2Garia saddle132
3Pang-pa-taa net mask placed over the face at certain dances133マスク
4Omori-odoa fu-fu stick134フフ棒
5Adǔña bat134
7Moving figure135
8Ile Ubdea parrot cage136おうむの籠・漁網
9Awkwa Ileidaa pig sack137
10Kokoroa caterpiller138
11Ennu Ikokoa wolf's mouth×139
12Agbo mejji wokorratwo rams with horns interlocked135
13Ke Ke O'lowuthe face mark of the town of Owu139オウ族の顔の文様
14Labbua (certain) bird×140
15Arubeli Ashaw Ayabetrain of (dress) the cloth of the Queen140
16Ebusoñthe white man's camp bed×141ベッド