String Figures and Tricks from Central Africa

AuthorW. A. Cunnington
SourceThe Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol.36
1(No name ascertainable)×1234段ばしご
2A string trick×124
3Sumboa fishing net124サンボ
4Nsakwea temporary grass hut×124草葺きの小屋・パラシュート
5Umuzwaa wooden spoon×125木の匙・ドラムの撥
6Nakamekoswimming on the back×125
7Kitalaa bed126ベッド
8(No name ascertainable)×126オウ族の顔の文様
9Kiuna bird×126
10Lutandaa star127
11(No name ascertainable)127
12Shimoa pit or Large Hole128
13(No name ascertainable)×128名前なし
14A string trick×129
15Mwezithe moon×129日食・月・少女
16Mwakatangamoon gone dark×129月食・少年
17Tambukiraa string trick×130
18A string trick×130
19Nzigea locust×130いなご