Easy-to-do Entertainments and Diversions with Cards, String, Coins, Paper and Matches

AuthorR. M. Abraham
111Three-Pronged Spear73ぱんぱんぼうき・やす・テント
112The Tree Climber74木に登る男
113The Flying Bird75はばたく翼・アジサシ
114An Eskimo House75シベリアの家
115The Hurdle76テントの幕・ラグ
116The Fruit Bloosom77ライアの花・ライアの実
117The Parachute78草葺きの小屋・パラシュート
118Slipping the Lasso×78
119Crushing the Cocoanut79
120Trying the Knot×79
121The Disappearing Loops80
123The Snail81ナバホの 
124The Galloper82こぶた
125A Lightning Flash84小さな魚
126Church Struck by Lightning85
127The Five Boy Scouts86
132The Bracelet89日食・月・少女
139The Seagull94かもめ
140The Spectacles95蛾・めがね
141The Rising Tide95満ちる潮
142The Caterpillar96酋󠄁長・毛虫
144Removing the Loop98
146Threading the Needle100
147The Fence1014段ばしご