An Apache Door | String Figures — C. F. Jayne 1906 p.12 | [12] |
łesis (poncho) | Games of North American Indians — S. Culin 1907 p.765 | [13] |
A Door | Mathematical Recreations and Essays — W. W. R. Ball 1911 p.358 | [15] |
A Tent-Flap | Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain — W. W. R. Ball 1920 p.79 | [30] |
A Tent Flap | An Introduction to String Figures — W. W. R. Ball 1920 p.24 | [31] |
A Tent Flap | String Figures 2nd ed. — W. W. R. Ball 1921 p.36 | [32] |
A Tent Flap | String Figures 3rd ed. — W. W. R. Ball 1929 p.31 | [48] |
The Apache Door | Artists in String — K. Haddon 1930 p.62 | [50] |
An Apache Door | String Games for Beginners — K. Haddon 1934 p.12 | [56] |
An Apache Door | Fun with String — J. Leeming 1940 p.147 | [63] |
Muhela (The Bed) | Some String Figures from North East Angola — M. D. & L. S. B. Leakey 1949 p.8 | [70] |
The Hurdle | Easy-to-do Entertainments and Diversions with Cards, String, Coins, Paper and Matches — R. M. Abraham 1961 p.76 | [77] |
テントの幕(とびら) | あやとり — 野口広 1973 p.66 | [90] |
アパッチの扉 | 世界のあやとり傑作選 — 有木昭久, 湯浅清四郎 1974 p.58 | [92] |
The Apache Door | Cat's Cradles and Other String Figures — J. Elffers, M. Schuyt 1980 p.88 | [103] |
アパッチドア | あやとり(大陸) — 野口広 1980 p.75 | [105] |
アパッチの扉 | あやとり入門 — 有木昭久 1981 p.62 | [110] |
テントの幕 または ナバホの敷物 | 世界あやとり紀行 — シシドユキオ, 野口廣, M. Sherman 2006 p.44 | [128] |
テントの幕 | 大人のあやとり — 野口廣 2008 p.62 | [129] |
Rug (Blanket, Apache Door) | String Games of the Navajo — W. Wirt, M. Sherman, M. Mitchell (BISFA 7) 2000 p.151 | [141-7] |
Rug | Some Pueblo Indian String Figures and Tricks — M. Sherman, W. Wirt (BISFA 15) 2008 p.165 | [141-15] |
テントの幕 | 国際あやとり協会 Web — ISFA | [146] |