String Figures from Gujarat and Kathiawar

AuthorJ. Hornell
ITambu or Dhumadiaa tent or chimney×150
IIKarvat or Shardithe saw or the drill×151
IIIKarvatthe saw151
IVKarvatthe saw×152
VKarvatthe saw×152
VIKarvat or Shardithe saw or pump-drill×152
VIIITala Kunchithe lock and its key×153
IXGanththe knot154蝿・蚊
XGhatthe knot×154
XIBedithe handcuffs×155
XIIMorna pagthe peacock's foot155
XIIIMorna pagthe peacock's foot×156
XIVBagli-no-kothothe nest of the crane156鶴の巣
XVJanaja dagna or Janaja chattrithe awning over the bier157棺の上の天幕
XVIChasmaa mirror157
XVIIKatarthe scissors×158
XVIIISingodaa kind of fruit?×158
XIXNadi and Chiprathe river and the dhoby's stones×158
XXTalaothe tank158
XXIKamrak or Kamal Kakadia lcind of fruit?159
XXIIShngodaa kind of fruit×159
XXIIIPandana plate to hold betel160
XXIVPanjothe hand160ほうき
XXVPanjothe hand161
XXVIAt jailthe 8-meshed net1612段ばしご
XXVIIMachhi jalthe fishing net1624段ばしご
XXVIIIRantiathe spinning wheel163
XXIXThe True Cat's Cradle×163