String Figures of the Austral Islands

AuthorM. Sherman
Collect1920-21 J. F. G. Stokes
Publish1994 BISFA 1
AreaAustral Islands
Rapa#1Kami moafowl's anus80ゴム
Rapa#2No information××81
Rapa#3Mauipopular Polynesian god; name of a star××83
Rapa#4Ga kami'aCanoe82
Rapa#5Ga 'arehouse83
Rapa#6Ga kikothe flesh of a fruit85
Rapa#7'i ga matuthe matu fish; string figure that cuts87魚の網
Rapa#8te hei apiki tamaroastring figure of united sons90
Rapa#9Nga motu a ka vakathe division of the clans90
Rapa#10Ga 'onuturtle××92
Rapa#11Ga rokitaro patch92家・ミドリガメ
Rapa#12Ga tokistone adze××93
Rapa#13Ga urepenis94鯨の歯・とかげ
Rapa#14Nuuhivaremote land96
Rapa#15pu fe'e; pu 'ekesquid or cuttlefish98
Rapa#16pure gaeaprayer to gaea?××98
Rapa#17Raupaka tataitaro-leaf mat9810人の男
Rapa#18Rapa eentwined string figure, or figure having squares101潮の満ち干
Rapa#19Hei Ingamatu Tirui?101
Rapa#20Te 'are o te mokothe house of the lizard101
Rapa#21Te no'oaga o te arikithe king’s throne××104
Rapa#22Tuamotuislands on the far side104
Rapa#23Tuerastring figure which springs open105さとうきび・籐の皿・ザリガニ
Rapa#24Utamimilk the breast; sexual intercourse106
Rapa#25Utami mataraable to break free106
Rapa#26Utami fifientangled utami106
Rapa#27Matarikithe Pleiades111
Rapa#28aMaa 'ei kinokino rasling string figure very bad indeed113
Rapa#28bMaa 'ei maitaki rasling string figure very good indeed113
Rapa#28cMaa 'ei para ua rasling string figure starting to open113
Rapa#28dO Tuera iaOh, spread it open!113
Rapa#29Utamimilk the breast; sexual intercourse116もぐもぐするボアの顎
Rapa#30Utami; tai a utu maramaUtami variant representing the moon setting over the sea117
Rurutu#1name not recorded119
Rurutu#2Viiarepoirrigated taro patch119家・ミドリガメ
Rurutu#3Iirauapeplaited ape leaves121
Rurutu#4Taimaitiitiebb tide122潮の満ち干
Rurutu#5Utami taviri or haviriwringing version of Utami124もぐもぐするボアの顎
Rurutu#6Utamimilk the breast, sexual intercourse125
Rurutu#7Te are matuithe matui house or bird house126ブロスバードの家
Rurutu#9Apoo tioohole for storing breadfruit paste130
Rimatara#1Iriirirauapeplaited ape leaves131
Rimatara#3Puaaniho taanaunauboar’s jaw biting132もぐもぐするボアの顎
Rimatara#4Otania corruption of the word Utami132
Rimatara#5MututoiCropped summit133
Rimatara#7No name recorded133
Rimatara#8No name recorded134蟹・蛙・ダンス用ドラム
Tubua'i #1Hiirauape or Iriirirauapeplaited ape leaves136
Tubua'i #2Amo; E amo, Tahiritapaea litter; waves arriving on land136
Tubua'i #3Utania corruption of Utami137
Tubua'i #4Utania corruption of Utami137
Tubua'i #5Te tumu of te papathe basic rock level referred to in the creation myth137