Pangwe and Bubi String Figures

AuthorM. Sherman
Collect1907, 09 G. Tessmann
Publish2001 BISFA 8
AreaWest-Africa, Central-Africa

Pangwe String Figures

1Box for Storing Meat132皮をなめす
2Beautiful People Dancing134おおこうもり
3Hen Basket135
4Basket Xylophone137
5Red-Tail GuenonCercopithecus buccalis138クチヒゲグエノン
6Neck OrnamentPendant140ベッド
7Great Blue TuracoCorythaeola cristata141カンムリエボシドリ
8Purple-Throated Cuckoo-ShrikeCampephaga quiscalina143アンブラ
9Claws (Toes) of the Grey Parro145おうむの籠・漁網
10Feet of the Duck147
13Meeting House of the Turtle and the Leopard150
14Wab! (I Caught You!)152
15Rotated Figure153火打ち石
16Fang Trap155小さな魚
17Crescent Moon156三日月
18Crescent Moon, Tips Down157
19Crescent Moon158
20Young Four-Striped Tree SquirrelFunisciurus lemniscatus158オウ族の顔の文様
21Eye of the Bay DuikerCephalophus dorsalis160Eye of Bay Duiker
22Eye of Peters’ DuikerCephalophus callipygus161
23Eye of the White-Bellied DuikerCephalophus leucogaster162
24Turtle Lying on its Back163
25Hip Bone of Mother-in-Law163
26Redwood-Colored Spots on the Body164
27Coitus between Sister and Brother165
28Phallus Scaffold, used in the Moon Cult167ファルスの足場
30Spear Money173
31Branches of the Nka Tree174ンカツリーの枝
32Meeting House175集会場
33Little GreenbulAndropadus virens176
34Two Little Greenbuls178
35Three Little Greenbuls178
36Dog’s Anus179
37Salt Funnel180ほうき
38Little WomanGirl182日食・月・少女
39Little ManBoy182月食・少年
40Cutting the Neck184

Bubi String Figures

1Neck Tangle186
2Wrist Tangle186
3Finger Tangle187
4Leg Tangle188
5Hen’s Anus188
6Wesa and Wo191
7Animal NetAnimal Net191
8Name Unknown192