The String Figures of Tuvalu

AuthorH. C. & H. E. Maude
Publish1996 BISFA 3
1ANofoanga TubuChair of the High Chief137屋根の上のねずみ・王の玉座
1BFetu Fai FeroShooting Star137
2Mataki Beti13710人の男
3Te PiDrinking Nut138
4Save PotuFlying Fish?139
5GutuMouth, or Bill of the Itoi Bird141
6Te Fala KulaRed Pandanus141
7Taali PolauLeaves for Thatching142
8Te TagaRelations143
9FakakaiTwo Villages143名前なし
10Te PapaThree Large Stones144
11Meae ToluThree Coconuts Side-by-Side145
12Tau AvagaHusband and Wife145キス
14TagutuTree Stumps?147
15TafaTurn Over or Other Side147バゴボのダイヤモンド
17AKalupeHigh Tide149潮の満ち干
17BTai FanaifoEbbing Tide149潮の満ち干
17CTai FanakeRising Tide150潮の満ち干
18FapaolongaChurch Steeple, in Samoan151
19Te Noti o KuluThe Knot of the Goddess Kulu151ココナツ割り・星
20Sele PaalaNoosing a Kingfish152
21Unnamed Figure152
23MataseleSnare153太陽 Ⅰ
24Ofaga o te MatukuNest of the Heron154鷺の巣
25Te MagoloaA Large Shark155鳥の群れ
26Fale o TinilauHouse of Tinilau155
27Te Ava FonuThe Two Turtles156ントンゴの目
28Nifo te MagoShark’s Teeth157鮫の骨
29String Trick I: Matai TauangaNew Fiber157
30String Trick II158
31MatalikiGroup of Stars×159天の川