Kwakiutl String Figures

AuthorJ. Averkieva, M. Sherman
Collect1930-31 J. Averkieva
Publish1992 American Museum of Natural History
1aFire DrillAᵋno7
1bAnother Fire Drill7
3The BearLaᵋ10
4The Porcupine11あざらしに近寄る猟師
5The Goose12
6aThe Bear's Den12
6bThe Bear12
7aAn Elk13
7bTwo Little Elks Lying13
7cThe Dog13
8The Mink15ミンク
9The Mink's House16
10aHorse Clams17
10bHorse Clams in Motion17
11aHunter's Bag18
11bSeal in the Hunter's Bag18
13A Small OwlGugugu20Small Owl
14A Second Owl21
15Mallard Ducks222羽のマガモ
16A Canoe22
17aTwo Ghosts23
17bTwo Skulls23
19aTwo Men Fighting25
19bTwo Pull Each Other by the Hair25
20Fighting Men (Pulling Each Other's Hair)26
21Paddling under CoppermakerSewābăᵋes L!ā'qwag‧ila27
22aWrinkled Face in the HouseQănkwiyolīł29
22bUnfolded Face in the HouseDā'tłiyogwalīł29
22cGravel in the HouseT!ēt!aᵋyᴇmgwalīł29
22dDrying SalmonQ!waxsesnä'ōs30
22eLying Chest UpNăēnL!abōlisk'!aē's30
22fIts Musk BagBōᵋlᴇxstēs30
22gWhat's the Cry of the Geese?ᵋMā'sēs nᴇxā q!alag‧îlitsᴇmasōᵋ nᴇxā'q31
22hThe Walking Goose31
23A Toad32
24A Kick in the BackQwatsaxsut34
25Two Kelps (and Two Men Standing at the Ends of Them)35
26A Hummingbird36
27aThe SparrowTso!łtsᴇmga37
27bBird Invited by the Sparrow37
27cPutting on the Belt38
27dInvited a Second Time38
28The Log39
29Two Hummingbirds402羽のハチドリ
30aTwo Sitting on the Roof40丸太の上の2匹のねずみ
30bTwo Bears Seen by the Two on the Roof40丸太の上の2匹のねずみ
31A Snake (Snot of a Woman)41
32A Deer42
33Another Deer43
34Flying Spark44
35A Caoe Maker Looks at his Road from the HillO'ᵋxalso45
37aHouse of the Devil Fish46
37bTwo Devil Fish462匹のタコ
38aHouse of the Devil Fish47
38bTwo Devil Fish47
39A ButterflyHalolo48
40A Toad49
41Laughing in the HouseDᴇsdaᵋleLa50
42The Spider's Web51蜘蛛の巣
43Two Seals52
44Two Trees542本の木
45Three Trees553本の木
46Four Trees564本の木
47Two Forked Trees582本の叉木
48The Double-Headed SerpentSisiutl59
50aTwo Hips62
50bA Grave of a Child62子供の墓
51aThe Burbot64
51bTwo Esgles Sitting in a Nest65
51cAn Eagle on Each End of Figure. They Are Eating65
51dThe Eagles Fly and Sit Down on the Tree66
52Two Bears67
53Sun, Moon, and Star68太陽・月・星
54Moon and Stars69
55A Swollen StomachQoqwi70
56A Toad and a Man Ahead of It70ひきがえると男
57A ToadWak!es71
58aMan Trying the Rope around His Neck in the Woods73首吊り
58bMan Hanging by His Neck73首吊り
59A Porcupine74
61A Patch77肩甲骨
62Two Brothers-in-Law Meeting78義兄弟の出会い
63Daylight ReceptacleᵋNāl'aats!e79光の筐
64aThe Fish Net80
64bThe Fish TrapTs!ͣnus80
65bTwo Killerwahles812頭のシャチ
66Another Fire Drill84
67Walking Sticks of an Old Woman84おもちゃの唇飾り・トタングアク
68aA Ship with Two Masts85
68bA Ship with Opend Sails85
69aMountains with Clouds between ThemXw'ałswiq!ēdzᴇla Naă'ng‧'a86
69bA Mountain Broken in Two87
69cA Fire Drill87
69dIt Sits Down Below88
69eIt Sits on the Ground and Splits the Sea Egg88
69fAnd It Is Broken88
71The Frogs90
72The Frogs91
73aTwo Dogs93シベリアの家
73bTwo Dogs Running Away from Each Other93シベリアの家
75aThe Goose96がちょう
75bThe Bear96がちょう
76The Heron99
77The BluejayKŭdzᴇ'mts!âlaga100
78A Small Grizzly Bear101
79A Bear101
80aThe Devil Fish102
80bA Halibut102
81A Sand FleaQat! Yatse104ハマトビムシ
82The Killerwhale104
83A Salmon108
84The Dog Salmon109
85A Big Salmon110大きな鮭
86A Salmon Trap111
87A Fish Trap112
88aTwo Bear Brothers' Jealousy114熊の兄弟の妬み
88bHe Jumps and Passes the Elder114熊の兄弟の妬み
89aTwo Brothers115Two Brothers Playing Hide-and-Seek
89bOne Brother Looking for Another115Two Brothers Playing Hide-and-Seek
90Digging Clams116
91Digging Clams117
92Lying on the Back in a CanoeT!ē'g‧îxsālalis119
93aA Man Is Going to Get Some Bait120餌を取りに行く
93bThe Man Totes his Clothing on His Head Because It Is Wet120餌を取りに行く
94Pulling the Hair of His Sweetheart121
95Pulling the Line in Fishing Halibut122
96Not Passing ThroughWī'x‧sâ123
97Passing ThroughLāx‧sâ123
98A Fire Drill124
99Trick on the Speed of Making It125
100Cheek of the HalibutP!alosa125
102Moving the LoopsKwałk!126
103A CatchO'xstandy127
104A Fly on the Nose128
105Cutting off the FingersP!alb!oxtsana129
106Cutting off the FingersP!alxp!oxtsana130
107Cutting off the FingersPaāłboxts!ana131
108Catching a Leg132
109Threading a Closed Loop133
110Cutting off the FingersP!alxboxtsana134
111Making a False Knot134
112Cutting off the Wrist135

注: 現地名表記は正確ではありません。