Intellectual Culture of the Iglulik Eskimos

AuthorK. Rasmussen
SourceReport of the Fifth Thule Expedition, Vol.IX
1mimᴇrˢukthe two forequarters×2712本の太腿
2qalgimatuᴀrtɔ'rjuitthe many people gathered in the qaχˢge×272
3qugjughukthe swan×272白鳥
4tᴇriᴀrˢhuk aɔrtulikthe ermine and one who is stealing up to it×272ひぐまの仔
5umiɳmautaitthe dear musk oxen×2732頭のジャコウウシ
6pikhugjukthe wanderer×273大きな目の男
7mᴀqithɔrˢhukman carrying a kayak on his hand×273かもめ
8nɔrautaikthe dear caribou calves×2742頭の仔鹿
10talᴇrjo‧kthe arms×274
11amaligjukthe amaut troll×275ひぐまの背負い袋
12paɳnᴇrˢhukthe caribou bull×2752頭の雄の​カリブー
13näcᴇrˢhukthe seal×275あざらし
14aχχᴀ‧rhuitthe little black bears×2762頭のひぐま
15tugtɔrjukthe caribou×276カリブー
16kanajɔrˢhukthe sea scorpion×276ウミサソリ
17avaticiᴀqsomething representing limbs×276aSmall Seal-skin Poke
18nigpᴀrtɔrjukthe breathing-hole hunter×276a
19iʲugkᴀrtᴀrtɔrjukthe one with something that can fall down×276a
20qilaluᴀrhukthe white whale×276bしろいるか
22na‧ra‧jᴇ‧rhukthe gormandizer troll×277大食いのトロル
23amᴀrɔrjukthe wolf×277狼・やまあらし
24uhukhukthe penis×277ペニス
27a‧kulugˢhukreproduktion of a man long dead×278
28nanɔrˢhukthe white bear×279
30te‧gˢhimatuᴀtrɔrˢhuka fabulous animal now forgotten×279
31qanᴇrjukthe mouth×280
32kilivfaiciᴀqthe little mammoth×2802頭のマンモス
33hak‧ɔrjukthe snow knife×280小さな老人
35ukalᴇrˢhukthe hare×281野うさぎ
36alugtuᴀrtɔrˢhuktwo animals slobbering up water or blood×281ひとつの​椀から​餌を食べる​2匹の犬
37tupᴇrˢhukthe tent×282ぱんぱんぼうき・やす・テント
38qiᴇmᴇrjukthe dog×282
39tuaiciᴀqthe little piece of firm ice×282あざらし猟師
40ᴀqajᴀruägtaitthe stomachs×2832頭のビッグホーン
41quɳᴀ'rjo‧kthe neck band×283丘と2つの沼
42hakiägtaitthe breast pieces×283胸骨と肋骨
43ugpigjukthe owl×284
44iˢha‧ɳahɔrˢhukthe outstreched arms×284
45(name is unknown)×284
46qiɳmᴇrjukthe dog×285
47umiɳmägjukthe musk ox×285ジャコウウシの仔
48uvinrrɔrjuka child's undervest×285
49kamigjo‧kthe kamiks×286ズボン – パンツ – 肩甲骨 – 手袋
50ikumatuᴀrtutthe frames×286階段・虹
51qanᴇrjukthe mouth×286 Ⅱ
53nɔqigtɔ'rjo‧k or nuhumᴇra‧rtɔrjo‧kthose that cap hold back or those that can be tightened×287
54iʲugkᴀrtᴀrtɔrjukthe one that can fall down×287
55aviɳ‧ait‧aitthe lemmings×2882匹の​レミングと​その巣穴
56he‧tquᴀrˢhukthe knee×288チュニックの裾
57aviɳ‧ait‧aitthe lemmings×288

注: 現地名表記は正確ではありません。