The String Figures of Nauru Island

AuthorH. C. Maude
Collect1937, 38
Publish1971 Libraries Board of South Australia
Small Amwangiyo×xxx小さいアムワンギヨ
1EadetoTwo female noddies12羽の​メスの​クロアジサシ
2Iburingijo IThe blossom of the 'calophyllum'2テリハボクの花
3BarabaraimorHunch- backed man-eating shark33つのココナツ
4IwinbawoA species of jelly- fish4Te Kai-n Tamarake
6The Ten Men510人の男
8IyorA house post8
9AmiA male dancer9酋󠄁長・毛虫
15EruenCastor oil fish16千鳥
16Etegerer me Etogarita19さとうきび・籐の皿・ザリガニ / 太陽 / Sugar Cane
17Emor IFlying fish21潮の満ち干
18NganTwo breakers23
19EikodowaThe name of a woman24Eikodowa
20Amen TorereTwo robbers25Amen Torere
21Dito DitaTwins' names26Dito Dita
22Emor IIFlying fish27
24Ibiya ITwo inland lagoon fish33
25Ibija IILagoon Fish34Ibija II
26Emen UeakThe house35ナウルの 
28En NogokA proud woman37エン ノゴク
29Erake me an Kiri IErake and her stool38エラケと彼女の腰掛け
30Erake me an Kiri IIErake and her stool39Erake me an Kiri II
31DaonBlack turtle40
34Ikibong RorA net for catching noddies43クロアジサシを捕まえる網
35Gireda me an IbogGireda and his well44ギレダと彼の井戸
36Amen RucaoTwo dancers45ふたりの踊り子
37Eoen KadamaFlying fish hooks46
38Eijororo me EaroroOnomatopoeic47
39IniThe coconut palm48Ini
40E Bok en AtubuiduraThe well of Atubuidura49E Bok en Atubuidura
41No Name50名前なし #41
42MejoaThe star Atair51アルタイル
43IpoA black fish52黒い魚
44AkuannaiStunted nuts53未熟なナッツ
45Te BarerakaA little multi-coloured bird54小さな極楽鳥
46Ekwen NgaworFishing canoe55釣り舟
47Eikamwen PaimA woman who smoked a lot55タバコを吸いすぎた女
48EgiguThe girl in the moon56エギグ
49AininwenCannibal woman58
50Urakeya me BanabA cave at Banab59
52Ekwan ISun61太陽
53Ekwan IISun62太陽 Ⅱ
54Ekwan IIISun63
55Amen Renga EkwanKeepers of the sun64太陽の守護者
56Imwingen-KuriCross pieces of wood for strengthening houses65家を補強するための​交差した材木
57Nanan Akiwoe ILegs of the curlew67
58Nanan Akiwoe IILegs of the curlew68
59Nanan Akiwoe IIILegs of the curlew68Nanan Akiwoe III
60Amen Biri IPeople of Biri70
61Amen Biri II71
63RigiCaterpillar that comes after rain72雨の後に出てくる毛虫
64DogienmadangWhite man's mat73Dogienmadang
65EwarenubwiNavels, with umbilical cord74へその緒の付いたへそ
71DemaiburaThe name of a woman80デマイブラ
72MaiowaA star81
73Dagabe me DemadangNames of two men82ダガベと​デマダング
74(a)GaiduglagoThe name of a man83ガイドジャゴ
74(b)Iyo me GorinoaThe names of two men84イヨとゴリノア
75Dabamadoa me DebenoriNames of two men85ダバマドアと​デベノリ
76Eoredeto ILong-tailed cuckoo86キジカッコウ Ⅰ
77Eoredeto IILong-tailed cuckoo87キジカッコウ Ⅱ
78Eoredeto IIILong-tailed cuckoo88キジカッコウ Ⅲ
79Eoredeto IVLong-tailed cuckoo90キジカッコウ Ⅳ
80AmeangName of a man91アメアング
81AdibenEigomoia's father, a noted warrior who had a long beard92アディベン
82IbunemunThe name of a man93イブネムン
83DurangA lame man94デュラング
85EkonamadangStated to be a 'very old name'96エコナマダング
86No Name97名前なし #86
87Itsiyo me Araiman98名前なし #87
88Deban Atia100デバン アティア
89Eigamoia or EkaibwitThe name of a woman100エイガモイアまたは​エカイブウィト
91Einogog me Euamwe104エイノゴグと​エウアムウェ
93Eidenamo me EidebaraTwo chiefs' wives108エイデナモと​エイデバラ
94EidobuThe name of a woman109エイドブ
95IwinumwenThe name of a man110イウィヌムウェン
96EraipwinThe name of a woman111エライプウィン
97Emainodogonigae IName of a woman112エマイノドゴニガエ Ⅰ
98EigabanuweaThe name of a woman114エイガバヌウェア
99Itubwer IPatterned like a mat115マット Ⅰ
100Itubwer IIRepresentation of a mat116マット Ⅱ
101Itubwer IIIPatterned like a mat116マット Ⅲ
102Itubwer IVPatterned like a mat117マット Ⅳ
103EigemeangThe name of a woman119エイゲメアング
104EgattammaThe name of a woman121エガッタッマ
105Edema me EdouwaTwo women cousins122エデマとエドウワ
106Eidiow Dogobea EideuoaroThe name of a man and his two wives124ドゴベアとふたりの妻
107EtarokingA priestess of Nauru in olden times125エタロキング
108TinamittoThe name of a girl126チナミト
109EidiowinagoThe name of a woman128エイディオウィナゴ
110Biyat EidiowinagoEidiowinago's lagoon fish129ビヤト エイディオウィナゴ
111ImwinumanName of a man131イムウィヌマン
112DelaporteName of first missionary132デラポルテ
114Administration Staffs135運営スタッフ
115Emainodogonigae IIA woman in her house137エマイノドゴニガエ Ⅱ
116Aro EkwanTwo suns1392つの太陽
117Aro Nanan AkiwoeLegs of two Curlews1402羽の​ダイシャクシギの​脚
118EidigauwWife of Trader Thomas Hansen141傘をさした女
119Manujie me an IraguManujie and his sword142マヌジエの槍
120Amet Dedogo OeronHolding up the sky144空を持ち上げる

Photographs of Captain R.C. Garsia

(5)Itsiyo me Araiman×149イツイヨとアライマン
(6)IbiaroRepresents twin children×149イビアロ
(7)Eoen KadamaHook for catching flying fish in the daytime×149エオエン カダマ
(9)EnaginuereA cave in Ewa×150エナギヌエレ
(10)UeaA King×150ウエア
(11)DaragineA Nauruan fairy story×150ダラギネ
(12)Aiju EdetanThree stars×1503つの星
(13)ItubwerA mat×150マット Ⅴ
(14)DomaneabA Meeting House×151集会所
(15)The Cantilever Jetty×151カンチレバーの突堤
(17)EidagageA woman relation of the Chief Eoaio×151エイダガゲ
(18)AomA hermit crab×151やどかり
(20)EinogogChief Gaunubwe's grandchild×152エイノゴグ
(22)EiguguThe girl in the moon×152エイググ
(23)EidereauwaA Gilbertese woman from Nonouti Island×152エイデレアウワ