Eskimo String Figures and Their Origin

AuthorT. T. Paterson
SourceActa Arctica, Fasc. III
1The Arms13
2The Hare×14野うさぎ
3The Face×14大きな目の男
4The White Whale×15しろいるか
4ba girl goes to take blood from the narwhal×15あざらし Ⅱ
5The Fox15狼・やまあらし
6The Raven×16わたりがらす
7The Caribou×16カリブー
8The Two Brown Bears162頭のひぐま
9The Dog or Fox×17犬・狐
10The Two Fawns×172頭の仔鹿
11aThe Intestine17腸・腎臓の脂肪
11bThe Stomach18
11cThe Two Halves of the Stomach182頭のビッグホーン
12The Two Musk Oxen×192頭のジャコウウシ
13The Wolveri ne or Shag×19姫鵜 – ビーバー – りす – 男
14The Man and his Faeces×19犬と糞
15Hair Pulling×20髪を引っ張り合う女
16The Polar Bear×20北極熊
17The Mouth×20小指
18The Dog20手綱をかけた犬
19aThe Bird Dart×21ぱんぱんぼうき・やす・テント
19bThe Snow Shovel×21雪かきシャベル
20aTwo Men Sealing22あざらし猟師
20bhe himself hauls up a seal×22猟師に​引きずられる​あざらし
21An Animal Carrying a Load×22ひぐまの背負い袋
22A Man Hanging in a Strap×23滴る水
23The Walrus Head×23せいうち
24A Bear Comes from its House×23巣穴から出て来た​ひぐま
25The Plane×24
26Two Lemmings and their Burrows×242匹の​レミングと​その巣穴
27The Hill wilh Two Ponds at the Foot×24丘と2つの沼
28The Shaman Rises24
29The Beaver×25ビーバー
×25Children Followed by Sled and Dog
31The Harpoon Float×25
34The Anus×26Pot Boiling
35The Whale Blowing27鯨の潮吹き
36The Man Looks below the Sleeping Platform28
37The Gun and Bullet29小さな老人
38The Loon×29
39The Breast Bone×29胸骨と肋骨
40Fire on the Lamp×30険しい山
43Two animals×31
44The Entrance to a Tent×32かもめ
45The Raven×32黒雁と​アメリカクロクマ
46The Swan×32白鳥
47The Scapulae×32肩甲骨
48The Man with his Toes Turned Out×32ズボン – パンツ – 肩甲骨 – 手袋
49The Frightened Girl33がちょう
50The Small Seal Float×34Small Seal-skin Poke
51The Rib×34義兄弟の出会い
52a,bThe Loon×342つの尻
52c×34Two Hips
53The Gullet×34食道
54The Scapulae×34カリブーの頭
55Two Men Carrying Water×34水桶を運ぶふたりの男
56The Dog Hung up by the Neck×35あひる・首吊り男
57The Black Bears and their Cubs×352頭のひぐまと​子供たち
58The Bow×35
59Two Seagulls×352羽の小さなかもめ
60The House×35アラスカの 
61The Stalker35
62The Scissors×35男の名前
63The Child×35
64The Fox on its Back×36
65The Two Houses×362つの巣穴
66The Two Lemmings×36
67A Seagull's Nest×36雷鳥の巣
68The Woman Knots her Hair36大きな髷の女
69Two Seal Holes×36腎臓・2つのあざらしの穴
70The Mountain×36カヤックを漕ぐ人
71The Brown Bear Cub×36ひぐまの仔
73The Lamp37階段・虹
74Hair-pulling×37Hair Pulling
75The Man from the Sea×38
76The Seal's Kidneys×38あざらしの腎臓
77The Seal×38あざらし
78The Loon×38
79The Broken Walrus Tusks×382本の太腿
80The Butterflies×382匹の蝶
81The Lamp Stand×30
82The Child sliding×38
83The Mouth×38 Ⅱ
84The Man and his Harpoon×39男と銛
85Snapping off the Head×39首をへし折る
86Two Dogs Feeding×39ひとつの​椀から​餌を食べる​2匹の犬
87A Shaman's Familiar Spirits×39呪術師の使役霊
88Two Bull Caribou×392頭の雄の​カリブー
89The Fox×39アカギツネ
90The Walrus Poke×39Walrus Poke
91The Two Youths×39
92The Closed Door×40孤児の少年
93The Post×40
94The Mountains×40
95The Sun and Mountains×40山間の月
96The Squirrel×40りす
97The Sculpin×40かじか
98The Wood Carrier×40
99Two Rats on a Log×40丸太の上の2匹のねずみ
100A Small Boat×40シベリアの家
101The Turnstone×40Turnstone
102The Old Woman and her Pack×40老婆とその荷物
103The Children×40子供たち
104The Dog Dragging the Sled×40橇を引く犬
105The Burbot×402つの星・カワメンタイ
106The Fish-net torn by Polar Bears×40魚網を破る北極熊
107The Ptarmigan×40雷鳥のつがい
108The Spirit Bear40
109The Burning Lamp×41オイルランプの炎 Ⅱ
110The Testicles41
111Two Men Stalking Seals42氷の上を這って​あざらし猟をする​ふたりの男
112Le cache sexe×42
113Le cache sexe×42
114The Lamp×42
115The Paddle×42
116The Lamp Flames×42
117Those who are taken×42
118Kalizit×43Kattuzit Piaguinnî
119The Loops×43
120The Lamp Flames upside down and twisted×43ねじれた​オイルランプの炎
121The Lamp Flames upside down×43
122The Lamp Flames with two Loops×432つの輪の付いた​オイルランプの炎
123The Lamp Flames on top or each other×43重なった​オイルランプの炎
125The Narwhalqilaluaq×43
127Two Men at a Sealing Holenipalisuk×43
128Two People Cryingkisagtut×43
129A Man and his Womanavidliäît×43
130The Two Enemiesakiyagtu‧k×43
131The Kamiksqamik‧ˢʰuk×43
132The Seal Comes up to Breathnujijartɔk‧ˢʰukɳ puise43息継ぎをするあざらし
133The Maninux‧uɳ×44
134kabvia, the wolverine, or kbviarˢhuk44
135The Harpoon Bladderavatatsiaq×45
137The Wolverineqaqbiatiaq×45
138The Rockqaqârssuk×45
139The Kneesêrqutdleq×45
140The Gullnauja×45
141The Walrus Headaorrup niaqua×45
143The Ermineteriatsiaq×45
144The Cairninuk sugatsiaq×45
147The Goblin Woman×45
148The Raventuluarssuak×45
149The Wolverine×45
150The Wolverine×45
151The Man Kneeling×45あざらしに近寄る猟師
152The Caribou×45
153The Two Foxes×45
154A Man's Anus and Genitalia×45
155The Two Jaegers×45
156The Sling×45
157The Fire×45
158The Fire×45
159The Clam×45
160The Sea Scorpionkanajorˢuk×45ウミサソリ
163The Penisuhukhuk×45ペニス
165The Dogqiɳmᴇrjuk×45
166The Child's Undervestuvinᴇrɔrjuk×46
167The Mouthqanerjuk×46
168The Gormandizer Troll×46大食いのトロル
169The Musk-ox Calf×46ジャコウウシの仔
170The Evil Spiritnıүcılıүyuk×46空に棲む精霊
171Two Men Haulingnoqtıɔүyuk×46橇を引くふたりの男
172The Two Wolvesamaquk×46
174The Two Hipsqotıɳnaqtɔүyuk×46
175A Dogqıɳmᴇrjuk×46
176A Fox with and without its Earsteriɳän‧iaq×46
177The Erminetciqiq×46Ermine
178A Small Birdtu‧toq×46
179A Man Fallingioqaqtaqtɔүyuk×46
180The Dog with Large Earsqım‧ıq ciqtılık×46耳の大きな犬
181The Two Sticksnaumaqutık×46
182The False Knotχukαt‧älık×46
183The Opening of the Doorupkwᴇqtɔq×46
184The Dance Houseqajiүiq×46ダンスハウス
185The Tenttupık×46テント
186A Rack or Platformıqiүyaq×46棚または台
187The Little Finger made Doubleıtiqɔүaq×46Little Finger Made Double
188The Brown Bear and the Shaman×46Brown Bear and Shaman
189The Young Man Feeding his Dog×46
190The Adzeulimaun×46
191The Caribou in the Willows×46柳の中の​カリブー
192The Brown Bears, Issuing from Two Caves below a Mountainαklαk cıcikın äniruk×46
193Two Rockscıɳätuk×462つの岩
194The Cutting up of the Whale×46鯨の解体
196A Man Chewingtamɔktuɳa×46
197The Seal Netiүαlαq×46
198The Womans's Knifeuluүaq×46女性用ナイフ
199The Fishıɳälune×46
200The Bag-Netqαλ‧u×46朝顔
201The Two Caribou with their Horns×46
202The Wolverine×46クズリ
203The Tangarot Peopletaɳäүot×47シベリアの家 (2階家)
204the fox hole×47
205the two ptarmigan flying×47
206kila'ɳaxthe puffin×47あひる・首吊り男
208ma'taүiyătstring figure×47
209ta'tuxtaga'lıүaxmountain with fog×47
210The sun is setting between mountains×47
211a'zaza'ɳıxa man's name×48
212The Reindeer deagging the Sled×48橇を引くトナカイ
213The Walrus×48せいうち Ⅱ
214The Flounder×48
215The Butterfly×48
216The Longspur×48
217The Eagle×48